Friend 2: And why do you care about the revolution so much?
Bruno: Because i want to have a better life, I don't want to struggle anymore and I don't want other people to struggle either.
Bruno: Because it's nice getting up, provided you had enough sleep and a relaxing day ahead of you. If the future looks bleak you don't feel like getting up, but if there's an exciting day coming then it's nice!
Bruno: Yeah, we came to this life to enjoy and have a good time, not to struggle to survive and getting stressed out every day.
Bruno: Because I know everything, oh, perfect and wonderful Bruno.
Bruno: Well, I do my best, and I sincerely want to help people, not imposing my lifestyle on them.
Bruno: I should relax more I know, but I always feel like there's all this pressure on my shoulders to turn everyone into animal friendly anarchists.
Bruno: How to?
Bruno: Oh, never thought about it, I've been wanted to try that for a while, but haven't met anyone who does it. I mean where do you even get it? Unless you live in the US or Europe you're pretty much up for a challenge.
Bruno: Yeah, in my shoes. I mean, how do you even get into that stuff?
Bruno: And then what, wait 10 years till it grows?
Bruno: Any plan B?
Bruno: Yeah, I'm working on that, baby steps though.
Bruno: I should, i mean i will, probably.
Bruno: What for?
Bruno: I can't relax, when i grow a beard people expect even more from me. the expect me to be wise and knowledgeable and give them advise.
Bruno: That's from dexter.
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