January 28, 2016
In the future I can see myself...
...building a shelter for the night and ending up staying there a few weeks because i feel sorry to abandon it after it was so hard to build
...deciding i am not good enough, don't want to write anymore and giving my laptop away
...deciding i need to start writing again and getting a new laptop
...traveling during summer with nothing but tooth brush, tooth floss, passport and a spare pair of underwear, washing them every day in public toilets or streams and letting them to dry in the sun for a while before keeping walking
...getting arrested for:
refusing to pay a bribe
missing the immigration office or checkpoint and not getting a stamp they wanted me to get
being in the wrong place at the wrong time
disrespecting an officer of the law
having a protein or creatine powder confused by cocaine
saying something i shouldn't about china or north korea on the internet
being a foreigner
not registering my visa within few days of my arrival, as required by china, russia, and some countries ending in "stan". they can't accept someone can be just traveling.
faking documents
disrespecting their government, their religions
working on a tourist visa
...going to live in the amazonian rain forest, or what's left of it and becoming a hunter/gatherer
...going back to the city to find an internet cafe to look up how to be a hunter/gatherer
...using my ninja skills to climb a wall and sneak into a supermarket at night because i was too hungry and couldn't find anything to eat in the forest
...losing my mind after not talking to anyone for a few months
...losing my mind after coming back to the city and talking to too many people
...becoming an eco-terrorist
...being wrongfully accused of being an Eco-terrorist by someone reading this post
...going to some villages near the china-north korean border and helping the people who escape from north korea to make it to the south korean mission in bangkok by hiking through the mountains in laos or vietnam
...getting kidnapped and sent to north korea
...being tortured in a north korean labor camp
...escaping from north korea
...learning to appreciate life, freedom, love and putting my past as a tortured slave behind
...feeling guilty about the way I abandoned all the other north korean prisoners and putting together a suicide squad whose only mission is to rescue the other prisoners
...devising 8 different plans to escape with all the prisoners:
digging a tunnel
by hot air balloon
wearing masks and fake IDs to pass as chinese citizens
building a boat and sailing around north korea until we make it to south korea,
submarine mexican cartel's style
a device that would allow us to breath underwater and swimming to south korea
trekking through the mountains
1) find a foreigner 2) explain him the situation 3) get him to give you his passport, he can get a new one at some embassy 4) put north korean person's picture on it 5) ??? 6) profit
...succeeding in escaping despite having all the odds against us
...feeling like I got help from someone...
...suddenly getting shot, bleeding out and dying happily because I stood for what was right and did my best to help those who needed me the most
...coming back from the future to help me past self to rescue some north korean prisoners
...shooting my past self and seeing him bleed to death so I can close the loop and avoid paradoxes
...taking his place and making sure everyone's safe
...using my technology from the future to rescue all the people in north korea from their oppressors
...regretting having killed my past self 25 years ago and going back in time to stop myself from doing it
20 Things I wish someone had told me when I just arrived in china
1) When someone says "Hmmm..." that means they don't agree with you but they can't tell you because they need to avoid conflict at all cost
2) People will compliment you on weird stuff you didn't choose, accomplished or had anything to do with, such as your height, eye color, eyelashes length, etc
3) There is no such a thing as a social smoker, someone who smokes when he's with friends or at a party just for fun. Here you are either a chain smoker or you don't smoke at all, there's no middle point. Same goes with drinking, they wont allow you to have just a few drinks, you either get wasted or you don't drink at all. Your choice.
4) People will talk to you a lot, and very loudly, but they are friendly, that's how they are used to talk
5) If you cook something for someone and it has no chili they wont like it and they will say "Hmmm..."
6) There is no such a thing as house parties and is taboo to invite someone to your house. Not because they are afraid of you but because if they go to your house they wont be spending money and here spending money or buying many things is not seen as wasteful or arrogant, it's an attribute everyone considers positive, so if you meet someone you can't meet them at a park either, because it's free, must meet them at a restaurant, cafe, or place where you will be spending money
7) Can't share cups or bottles with someone
8) Can't say anything good or bad about the government or the bad things that happen in china, if you say something bad they will say "Hmmm..." and if you say something good it will inspire distrust
9) Can't give your clothes to others, even if it's new and very expensive and you just wore it once, it's taboo
10) "I will call the police" is not a valid threat, because everyone know police are useless and they wont help anyone who is in trouble, they can only give you more trouble
11) Everyone will stare at you, as if they were watching TV
12) Saying you're muslim is always an effective way to explain why you don't drink/smoke/eat meat.
13) There's no such a thing as friendship between boys and girls and many people say they want to be your friends but what they mean to say is that they want to practice their english or take you somewhere as the token white guy
14) The local's idea of a fun night out can be either: going to a restaurant and to a bar afterwards or going to a restaurant and to KTV after it, there's no third option
15) You must live outside the big cities, big cities are a mess
16) Police can stop you on the streets and ask you for your passport, and they can shout at you and push you if you can't speak chinese
17) Money and paying the bill is a very big deal, even if it's just 20 cents people must fight for it, and the winner gets to pay, throwing money at the waitress or cashier is an acceptable way to pay first.
18) The military can pull you over if you in a bus, a car or a train, they can question you, ask for papers and they all have shotguns and assault riffles.
19) Only requirements for working in a hotel in China: Not speaking any english
Only requirements for working as an english teacher in China: Speaking a little bit of English.
Only requirements for working for the government: Knowing someone who works there.
Only requirements for working as a police man or in the army: Being a terrible person.
Only requirements for working in a restaurant: Using chili and MSG in every dish.
20) It's very easy to find a job, and it's just as easy to not get paid for it.
January 20, 2016
it all comes together
the continental drifts, the great dying and other mass extinctions, the climate changes, evolution, it all leads you to this very moment in life, you are here because million other beings were brave, tough and lucky to pass on their genes to you
we could say then that now is your time to shine, and there's nothing to stop you from doing it, there are no predators, no ice age coming anytime soon, we can fight off starvation and disseases, and there's no meterorite going to hit our planet in the near future
i concede most governments are doing heir best to give us a hard time, last year alone they spend 175 billions in war, so they can kill other humans that they don't like, they put checkpoints and people with guns here and there to make you scared, they make rules, laws and policies to take away your freedom in as many ways as they can, they pollute the air and the rivers, cut down the trees and kill the animals, they try to make you a slave of their system
they make you a slave through low wages and social control, they make sure you are not able to save or earn enough money to live a happy life, and in the case that you decide that money doesn't bring happiness, they use social pressure to make sure you stay in the path they want you to follow so they can control your life
but once you can bypass the governments its just you and the earth, there are still plenty of places unexplored out there, unexplored to you at least, and you can choose.
you can choose if you want to be alone or with others, you an choose what to eat and when, what to do and what not to do, what to think and how to live your life away from that pressure you once had.
That pressure to keep the government and people around you happy, because you knew if you didn't do what they wanted you to they wouldn't have let you be happy or in peace with yourself
truth is though, that while the 99% of people are fighting for you to stay in the system there's still that 1% like myself that are fighting to get you out of the system, with the hope that someday, if enough people start refusing to cooperate with a system based on slavery and income inequality, it will just collapse by itself or become obsolete
lies, lies, shameless lies, everything people say to you is pure lies, they lie because they are afraid you will do something they are not brave enough to do. They are afraid that you will prove them wrong. They are afraid of you not reinforcing their ideas and beliefs. they just want reassurance, so they want you to agree with them and do what they do.
but maybe so do I, either way i still need to share a valuable piece of knowledge, it doesn't mater what you do or don't do in your life, if you work or not, if you have a family or not, if you are rich or poor, it's all the same, true freedom comes from understanding and accepting your destiny, accepting death.
if you are happy or sad, sleep in the street or in a house, have many friends or none, it's all irrelevant, because once you accept that life is short, you will die and your consciousness will be lost forever, with all your memories and experiences, you will start caring less about what other think, do or say, because they are in a different wavelength.
what do you want to do today? want to go tell your neighbor that you love him/her? that is fine, want to quit your job and go living in the mountain eating insects you find under the rocks, that is fine, or drink a bottle of whiskey and jump of a building with a parachute blasting the opening theme of one punch man on your headphones, that is fine and is probably the best thing you could do today, or don't, both are good options as long as you understand and are in peace with the fact that you will die either way.
How to answer awkward questions and comments from Chinese people
Question: "Have you eaten?"
Right answer: "Yes, you?
Wrong answer: "No, not yet"
Very wrong answer: " No, unlike the Chinese, we don't need to eat at a specific time of the day, we can just eat when we are hungry"
Comment: " Let's go out to play"
Right answer: "Play? You mean hang out? Sure, let's do it"
Wrong answer: "What do you mean by "play"?"
Very wrong answer: "Sure, what do you want to play? Football? Basketball?"
Comment: "My English is not good"
Right answer: "Don't worry, I can understand what you say"
Wrong answer: "Try singing more English songs in KTV?"
Very wrong answer: "Well, you only learned English for like what? 15, 20 years?"
Question: "Don't you miss your family?"
Right answer: "Yes, of course, I call them every day and I go to see them twice a year"
Wrong answer: " I haven't talked to them in a couple of years, I'm not sure what they're up to"
Very wrong answer: "No"
Comment: " Eat more! Eat more! Drink more! Drink more! Ganbei! Bottoms up!"
Right answer: "Ok, ok, thank you!"
Wrong answer: "I can't, I'm full"
Very wrong answer: "No"
Comment: "We are friends now, ok?"
Right answer: "Yes, of course"
Wrong answer: "Means I'm in the friendzone already?"
Very wrong answer: "Oh, come on, we met like 5 minutes ago, why do you guys all have to be so needy?"
Question: "Why are you here? why aren't you in Beijing or shanghai?"
Right answer: "I'm going to Beijing tomorrow and to shanghai right after that"
Wrong answer: "Here is nice, you know that's the way life is, some people are here some people are there, we can't all be in Beijing or shanghai all the time"
Very wrong answer: "Why would I want to go to one of the most polluted and dirtiest cities in the world, where everyone one wants to cheat me because I look different while there are like a million nicer places to be in china"
Comment: "You can do this, you can do that, you can buy this, you can buy that, you can go here, you can go there"
Right answer: "That's great, I'll do it"
Wrong answer: "Ok, I'll think about it"
Very wrong answer: "You know in English you can't just go around telling people what they can or can not do, they usually already know and don't need your permission, for example there's no need to say "you can stay in a hotel" or "you can take a taxi" because we are actually already aware of the existence of hotels and taxis, we just can't afford them"
Question: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Right answer: "Yes"
Wrong answer: "No"
Very wrong answer: "well, hmm… how to explain… do you know what hentai is?"
January 12, 2016
about understanding
just some thougts
we celebrate life and death, and accept death not as the end of life but as a part of it, a cycle where energy transforms itself but never dies, or not? we don't, we are so attached to our consciousness that we fear death, death means change, so we fear change and we do the same things every day to avoid this fear of the unknown
we treasure life in all its forms and we try to preserve it as much as we can, or not? we don't 99% of people don't really care much about the lives of the animals or the plants, and only some people care about other human lives, as long as they are close to them
we know life is fairly rare in the universe, and consciousness even more so, we treasure it as such and we live every day as if it was the last one, enjoying every second. or not? 99% of people are always on auto pilot and don't think much about what they do or why.
we are aware that the every atom in out body comes from a star that exploded, we are made of star dust, we are the cosmos itself and we long to return to it, that's why we go camping every night far from the light pollution of the city, to feel like we belong to the cosmos, or not? we don't? 99% of people sleep inside their houses where they can't even see the milky way and they stare at some little screen to keep themselves entertained and their minds numbed
so how about that one percent? can i be the one percent?
it is possible in theory at least if we learned to see things for what they really are.
most of the times we just get confused, our thoughts and feelings misguided by a false reality we have constructed by adding together our upbringing, own values and ideas, things our society says are this way, the little information we have at this moment and some assumption we decided to make at any given moment for any given reason
An assumption that is not made by using reason, logic or pattern recognition but by some illogically ridiculous ways, such as taking the word of an authority figure o accepting the easiest to digest or more comfortable idea we are able to assimilate and understand at this given moment and closing the doors to anything that we don't fully understand, is different, it makes us feel uncomfortable or contradicts our beliefs in one way or another.
humans are capable of some amazing things and some terrible things as well
which side would you choose? if you didn't have all the necessary information available to you at that time is is possible to find some way to justify doing terrible things
i wrote a short time ago that our my main goal should be to be kind, compassionate, peaceful and happy, but I must strive for understanding instead
When there is understanding everything else will just come into place. Once you understand what is happiness, how you can achieve it, why you are not happy, why you need to be happy and the benefits it will have in your life, you can easily take steps to achieve it, because once you understand the whys then there wont be another viable option for you to take.
Happiness, peace, compassion and understanding will be the only way to go and there wont be any other logical course or action/thought
science helps us to think a bit more deeply about things
and there really seems to be no way around it, for me at least
understanding leads to awareness
understanding will lead to peace and happiness and love, unconditional love for everything and everyone
some say "no waifu, no laifu"
but i would rather say "no understandingu, no laifu"
understanding is everything
or maybe it isn't, we'll see