November 8, 2012

Seba and TV

Seba joined a group of people that think TV will cease to exist.

No one said TV will not exist anymore, but no one denied it either and the group is based on a series of assumptions that say that TV will serve the same faith as the monocle.

Basically because it's a single function device, and we live in an era where everything has many functions, like the smart phone, the tablet, the computer, you can already watch TV and do a million other stuff on them.

That's why not many people wear wristwatches anymore, because they only do one thing.

So this group, what they do, they watch lots of TV every day, just in case they can't watch it anymore in the future.

That's like spending lots of time with the elevator man, because you know the elevator will be automated and you wont be seeing him anymore.

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