May 17, 2013

Life's a mess, life's alright

Whether my life is a mess or not depends on 2 factors, first the time that
I wake up and second how much physical exercise I get during the day.

If I wake up after 8 am, the day is ruined, because it takes like 1 hour to
shower, make some food, eat something and get ready to go out, so when you go out is like 9 and morning is almost gone, day ruined.

If no strenuous physical activity gets done during the day it’s hard to sleep at night
either because of too much energy or because of feeling guilty for not exercising.

once those 2 requirements are met the rest doesn't really make much difference, if there is money or work, the country where i live, the people i hang out with, nothing of that would make any difference.

just need to make sure to start the day early and get the exercise out of the way as soon as possible, so that the rest of the day counts as a recovery time.

and can feel like everything's alright.

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